Thursday, April 28, 2011



My name is Lilly Smith, and I am part of the AYUSA 2011-2012 German Exchange trip. Basically, in August of 2011 I am going over to Germany to live with a host family for 10-ish months... and then I'm coming back to America to finish up high school and get on with my regular life. Will it be hard, nerve-wracking and scary as all get out? YES. Will it be more than worth it? DOUBLE YES!
I'll tell you some things about myself since this is my first post.
1. I am very conscious of my weight.
2. I love people and interacting with them. Because of this, I love culture. I also get very attached to people.
3. I love to cook/bake! :D
4. I love to read!
5. I live in Texas.... woo.
6. My favorite animal is a cow. My second favorite is an elephant.
7. I say "love" a lot because I believe there are different forms of love for different things. For example, I love my family, but not with the same love i love my friends. :)
8. I have the BEST sisters, mom and dad!
9. I love to run. :)
10. I've been told I'm very enthusiastic. Haha! :)

There, 10 facts! It is strangely hard to write about myself. I hope I can keep up with this blog throughout my year and keep everyone reading this up-to-date. :)
Thank you for reading!
Lilly Smith