- Continent: Europe
- Capital: Berlin
- Size in sq. km/sq. 357, 021 km sq/ 137,847 mil sq
- Neighboring countries: Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and The Netherlands
- Climate: Like Colorado's, Temperate
- Natural disasters: Earthquakes and Floods
- Natural resources: coal, lignite, natural gas, iron ore, copper, nickel, uranium, potash, salt, construction materials, timber, and arable land.
- Population: 81,802,000
- Life expectancy: 77 years (Men - 73 years; Women - 80 years)
- Fertility Rate: 1.4 per Woman
- Mortality Rate: 10.92
- Ethnic Groups and percentage of each:
- Religious Groups and percentages: Protestant 34%, Roman Catholic 34%, Muslim 3.7%, unaffiliated or other 28.3%
- Languages spoken in order of prevalence: German
- Literacy Rate (% over age of 15 who can read and write): 99%
- Percentage that goes to university: 35%
- Average income: $36,440
- Independence/National Day: October 3rd
- Constitution Day: October 3rd
- Country from which they gained independence; Holy Roman Empire
- Year of independence: 1871
- Key events in political history and years they occurred: Unified 1871, World War I 1914-18, Hitler comes to power with Nazi power 1933-45, Soviet/Capitalist Control 1945-90, Reunified German Government 1990-
- Leader/president: Christian Wulff
- Political parties: Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (Christian Democratic Union of Germany)(, Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern (Christian Social Union in Bavaria), Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands( Social Democratic German Party), Freie Demokratische Partei (Free Democratic Party) , Die Links (The Lefts), Die GrĂ¼nen (The Greens)
- Current political situation:
- Political system: Federal Parliamentary Republic
- GDP (gross domestic product): $3.315 Trillion
- Unemployment rate: 6.1%
- Poverty line: $1,600 single person, $2,240 couple with child
- Percentage living below poverty line:
- Average family income: $36,444
- Percentage of workforce in:
- Agriculture: 2.4%
- Manufacturing: 29.7%
- Service/tourist: 71.3%
- Main industries: Machinery, and Vehicles
- Main imports:machinery, vehicles, chemicals, foodstuffs, textiles, metals
- Main exports:machinery, vehicles, chemicals, foodstuffs, textiles, metals and manufactures
- Currency: Euro
- Exchange rate: $1.44= 1€
- Prevalence of modern communication devices:
- Television: 36.5 mil Households
- Cell phones: 64.9 Mil
- Internet users: 39 Mil
Sports, Music and Entertainment facts
- Country's favorite sport: Soccer
- Other sports played: Rugby, Ice Hockey, Handball, Cycling, and Motorsports
- Favorite musicians: Juli, Heino, Silbermond, and Die Atzen
- Traditional forms of music: Volkmusik, Opera
- Popular games: drinking games. ;D
- Favorite foods: Italian, sometimes Turkish (depending on if they are prejudiced or not) NOT mexican/spicy
- Other forms of entertainment: Nature, basically things Americans like
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