Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bunches o' Stuff


Were you wondering why I haven't posted in a bit? I bet you were. I bet you were just DYING to know what's going on in my life. Wellllll get ready, I have pictures. :)


If you didn't know, I am a cellist in the A-Town Symphony Orchestra. I am also the Social Chair for both Symphony and Philharmonic, so basically I make sure everyone's happy and plan parties! One thing that all the clubs do is this banquet, where they give out awards and have dinner and all the kids and parents that come just have a good time whilst dressed to the nines! This year's theme was "New York, New York" because our orchestra went to New York for the Orchestra trip this year (which was A.W.E.S.O.M.E.). Unfortunately, I didn't get many pictures of the set up by itself but mainly of people. But you can still tell, right? :)
 Some friends and the screen before we sit!

 halo! And my best friend's signature face <3
 That is my date and me. We sort of match, and we didn't even mean to! :D

 That's Mr. Lopez, our orchestra conductor. He's one of my favorite teachers, and really cool! He's talking about the seniors graduating right there.
 "Mr. Davis's Top 10 Reasons Orchestra ROCKS!"
 The Phantom... of the Laundromat? We didn't understand either, but it was funny!

 awards :)
Caleb, some other friends and I went to go eat FROZEN YOGURT afterwords, and also got our minds blown by dubstep!

2nd: PROM
    Prom, the major point of many high school girls and boy's lives. "Who will YOU take? What will YOU wear? And oh God, is she wearing the same dress?!" All these I was expecting to hear tons and tons of times, but really, when my boyfriend (who is a junior so he can go) asked me I was crazy excited. I didn't care that it was cliche or girly, I wanted to get dolled up and figure out why this thing is such a big deal.
 Me, in my dress... :D:D I basically cried when I first found it in the store. I had never felt so pretty wearing ANYTHING! It was a great reward for losing 60 pounds. :)
 candid shot. Probably my favorite. :)

 That's my BEST FRIEND! Don't we almost look like sisters? :D
 There's some other friends (sophomores) that had been invited to prom! We're switching colors!
 My boyfriend and his best friend, who was in the group we went to prom with. Haha, they're dancing!

 He ended the night with his beautiful singing and all of us joined it sometimes. :)

  In the end, my realization was that it's not the Dance itself that makes the night, but the getting ready and the people you spend it with that makes Prom so magical. I was having the time of my life with my boy and his friends (who I mostly just met) while I heard a plethora of complaints from others, mostly because their friends/dates/plans weren't working out. In a way, I was extremely lucky my first prom was that amazing, but I'll be cheesy and say that it was mostly the boyfriend who made it that way. And before you come to conclusions, NO we did NOT do anything dirty. >:( We just danced and spent the evening together. It was a very nice ending to a very nice school year. :)

That, along with school has been taking up most of my life. I'm so close to the end of the school year! I just want to be DONE. I lust for summer like a Winnie the Pooh lusts for honey. Mostly because my birthday's in summer.... and money. And it makes it that much closer to GERMANY! But I can wait. :D:D

I do believe good times and better friends make life special!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Elvis ain't dead, and you're comin' back.


Monday night, one of my favorite people in my church, and a dear lady to my heart, Flossie Long, died. I learned right after I got in the car on Tuesday.
I tend to think I deal with death quite well. I seem to push it from my mind, sometimes I'll cry and sometimes I won't. I almost cried with Flossie, but the tears wouldn't flow. I'm ok with that really, and I do mourn her. I will miss her and her family and her house and her dog dearly; but she left this world with greatness. <3

Other than that, here's my schedule this week:
Thursday: Orchestra Concert
Friday: Orchestra Banquet/ anniversary with le boyfriend
Saturday: PROM
Sunday: rapid homework!
DOESN'T THIS SOUND GREAT?! :D I'm excited and scared all at the same time! Who knows if I'll be able to get all that I need to done? What an adventurous life I lead!

Another thing, I made dinner tonight~ I usually do since my parents are working like CRAZY, but this time I actually TRIED! I made fried rice, but without the use of any oil- boss right? But I made a ton load of rice so we have a lot left over. :)

I have yet to tell my principles I will not be here next year. Or really tell anyone about this blog. I'll need to get on that sometime. Maybe once I start posting things people might care about? :D

Hope you're having a fun time,

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's day!

Oh yay it's Mother's Day! :)

This isn't so much a "hey look what I heard about Germany today" post more of a "OH MY GOSH MOTHER'S DAY!" that made me realize... this is the last mother's day for a whole year with my mom. :( And she has to work most of the day... why? Because this really important thing is due really really soon and she isn't getting the results that she needs to turn into her boss. I wanted to make this Mother's Day extra special! :)
So my family has this sort-of mascot... SOCK MONKEY!
 That's (a) sock monkey! Isn't he the coolest? Yeah, he really is. :)

Anyway, here is the story that I made for mom. I really like to bake too, so what I made her was a picture book (that I colored and everything) about Sock Monkey, Daddy and me making m&m and nut cookies!  Enjoy!

 Oh look! Sock Monkey is going to bake some M&M and Nut cookies for mom for Mother's Day!

 OH WOW he is working hard!
 *gasp* Sock Monkey! Don't eat all the M&Ms!
 Looks like he'll need some help from... Lilly!
 Now he's back to working hard!
 And Daddy is working hard at being the taste-tester! :D
 Look at all the cookies Sock Monkey, Lilly and Daddy made!
Awwww it says "Love you"!

I hope everyone who sees this has a wonderful Mother's Day, and even more wonderful mothers. :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011



PI/ Anne Holder FINALLY sent me a confirmation! No more secret blog! No more secret tumblr! No more "Oh noes do I secretly have a horrible fiend of a *insert distant relative here* that is hindering me from being able to go?!"! And most importantly... NO MORE CONFUSION! Now I just get to wait till they find a host-family, which will hopefully be soon!

Then again, know my luck, I'll find out 2 days or so before I legitimately meet them. ;)
I'm happy.

In other news, I have an AP US history test (that I think I will bomb), English timed writing (that I will have to take after school), Chemistry test (that she hasn't taught us about) tomorrow. And on saturday I have a cello competition. I felt like crying 3/4 of the day at school. I love life! <3 At least school is almost over. :D:D:D

Back to being diligent! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Partnership International

So, I still haven't gotten a letter from Partnership International, the German company that needs to a-ok me before I leave. I have to admit, I'm STARTING to get nervous as everyone around me are adding onto the list of "in-kids". I mean, what if it's August 10th and then I get the letter? Well.... that would Stiiiiiiiiiink. But I just need to stay positive! :D
Good thoughts from a town,
Lilly Smith